One of the increasingly popular types of guides arising is the adventure travel guides. This is becoming of more interest to the recent graduates of the tourism industry. This doesn't mean that its all play because its an adventure, there is a lot of responsibility attached to travel tour guide jobs.
To begin with they have to plan different travel tour packages. These involve the various exotic locations around the world. More and more people are looking for something a little different than just plain travel for their vacations. They are wanting something a little more adventuresome and structured. This is why the need for adventure tour guides is increasing.
Once the destination of the trip has been decided upon the travel tour guide must make all the travel arrangements. Usually the most economical mode of travel is decided upon that is applicable to that particular destination. The next job is to arrange for accommodation. The work doesn't stop there. There are meals to be arranged as well. They agent may also be responsible for ensuring everyone has their visas. Finally the entertainment and activities must be scheduled in and arranged.
Travel tour guide jobs take a great deal of planning and organizing. It may not be the best career for an individual who tends to be disorganized or dislikes routine and structure.
Adventure travel tour guides, most often are the actual guide that leads the travel adventure expedition. Although many times there is the inside guide who does the arranging and then another guide who does the actual leading of the tour.
Adventure tours include active tours such as horseback riding tours, skiing tours. Bike riding tours. Or sailing tours. This is just an example as there is quite an extensive list. For travel guide jobs that are more applicable to inside travel jobs, then taking any of the travel tour guide jobs that entail the adventure packages are not ideal for you.
If you are planning on applying for any of the travel tour guide jobs, then there are certain skills you will need to possess. You need to be able to deal with all ethnic groups, and respect their customs and way of life. You must have people skills, such as being able to listen, and having patience. Customer service is critical in this industry, and anyone involved in it must possess excellent skills. You must always be enthusiastic and cheery. No body wants to be planning a vacation which is an exciting event with someone who has a negative attitude. Having a calming attitude is also important. Little things always arise in the travel industry that must be attended to immediately. For example at the last minute you find that the accommodations you have arranged have been cancelled for some unfortunate reasons. You have to be able to react quickly and calmly and get new arrangements and suitable ones at that, looked after. If you are the type of person to panic or become very stressed then reconsider applying for any of the travel guide jobs.
You will find that your expertise and opinions count and that people will rely on you for your expertise and opinions. If you are put in a position where people want your suggests as to where they should vacation then you have to consider several things. First you need to know a little about the people. For example if they are seniors it probably wouldn't be worth talking about the white water rafting tours, but on the other hand they may really enjoy a train tour. Budget is another issue you must consider. You can never make people feel inferior because they have a travel budget. Most people can't afford to fly all over the world on exotic trips. Always try to give your advice for travel according to the needs and wants of the individuals. Don't get into the habit of pushing those travel packages that you are going to want to make the most commission on. If you arrange a most enjoyable travel package according to the individuals, then you will find they will come back to year after year, because of the excellent service you provide them and they will have built their confidence in you. So you can see that travel tour guide jobs really do demand a lot of people skills and a sunny personality. If you feel that you possess these attributes then there is no doubt you would fit into any of the travel guide jobs.